The stars in the sky represent human genius...if you cannot reach the stars, be at least a Firefly on Earth...
About Our Founder
Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig was an authentic Kemetic (Ancient Egypt) Dogon High Priest, healer, cultural activist and speaker.
He was a Gourmantche from Fada N'Gourma (a city East of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso) who began his traditional initiatic education when he was eight years old. As a young boy, he attended European schools at the same time while he was progressing through the traditional education and spiritual initiations. As he grew, he continued his education, and not only did he attend a colonial University in Kenya, but he also excelled in his traditional/spiritual education, eventually surpassing the level of his Masters to become one of the most knowledgeable spiritual Masters of the Dogon people.
Master Naba was also a traditional natural herbalist and founder of KHEPRA, a non-profit organization in West Africa that specializes in researching how to improve and develop the perpetuation of ancient knowledge. Master Naba founded the M’TAM School of Kemetic Spirituality and Philosophy in 1995, based out of Burkina Faso and Chicago, respectively.​